Dan once told me "If you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth" - an axiom that he has used to his own advantage ever sine. Amazingly, eleven months later I welcomed my son, Nathan, into the world. Everything was different! I had met Dr. Abrahamsen for the first time the last week of December 2003. Dan said that Dr. Walt had already met with Brenda, John Lomacang and himself. (L.D. It was not a secret to her. Sometimes good things and sometimes bad things happen in families. From this point in March until the end of the month, it was a blur of harassment and accusations to the point of intense psychological and emotional abuse. It is highly unusual for a 9-year old to stay quietly - under a blanket in the back seat of a truck - never looking out the window or wanting to watch the commotion going on right outside the truck window. A colporteur knocked at my door when I was 24 years old. This happened several times, but I always went back home to Dan. Now, why would I say that? The divorce became effective on June 23, 2004. I thought it was very strange. What would be his motivation for trying to extort $10,000.00 from me, if it wasnt outright greed? I'll let that one rest. Danny and Brandy(becaue she maybe 20 years young than Danny, but she was still grown enough to know that she should have waited until he ahndled he buisness, or no married him at all according to the way he handled. Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. I had a recurring nightmare when I was a child. Your complicity in this mess makes you just as guilty as Danny Shelton. Yours truly, One night it was after midnight and Dan came into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. (Please see e-mails below.) We were married for 19 years. He bought a car for my college age daughter without my knowledge. I was in agreement with this because I knew her personal opinion. (ECF No. Jill Morikone. Dan was destroying my reputation every chance he got. Since my trip to Southern Illinois on April 28, 2009, and my return on April 29 after collecting the DNA samples from Danny and Brandy Shelton and a child identified to me as Trinity Murray, I have had to travel to Texas and to Washington, D.C. plus try to catch up on my work when I have returned home from each trip. What was her reward? 92 pp. However, all my time and all my expenses have been largely wasted because Danny and Brandy would not allow me to verify the identification of the child who was presented for testing. There are at least two major problems with that accusation by Danny against Linda: 1. My parents strongly believed in "early to bed, early to rise" so I often spent the evenings, when I could not sleep, praying and thinking deep thoughts about life which were beyond my years. They asked me to try to save the marriage. Where is your intestinal fortitude to tackle a difficult problem? All I know is that I worked with Brandy at that time. the building permit for that construction, the Dr. Walt said, "How else are we going to save 3ABN?" WHY, if this child was in truth Trinity Murray, and Danny is NOT the father of Trinity Murray, would they do that? I packed my bags and drove to my daughter's apartment in Springfield, Illinois. Bring it forward. From: Lorraine Day Just because I know what I saw does NOT mean that I "hold myself in high esteem." He never did. James Rafferty is Director of Discipleship Ministry for 3ABN. THAT would put the matter to rest forever. (Ever since our marriage in 1984 Dan rarely if ever, went to bed at the same time I did. I knew that some how, some way we had to pull it together. I was not allowed to see her stand up by herself. The power was there for about ten seconds and then was abruptly gone. Lorraine, you have falsely accused Brandy and me. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. His vast experience sharing the gospel throughout the world, and his music ministry history make him a valued network speaker and vocalist. I felt that it was useless to involve others. I found the website that had the forty AABB (American Association of Blood Banks) accredited DNA testing centers and picked one that was quite close to where I live. From: Lorraine Day According to that brand of religiosity, no proof is needed for Danny to be believed. Don't you think Pickle and Joy's investigation of employees and former employees, who are not now supportive of 3ABN, would have turned up the fact that Brandy did at one time work at 3ABN or that she was here before Nov. of 2004? In May of 2000, three months after the birth of Trinity, Brandy married Kevin Murray, (marriage certificate) who is now, or has been, in jail as a drug offender (cocaine and marijuana) according to public records. He was very angry about this and often brought up the subject in our home. From what I had observed from the spring of 2003 until the spring of 2004, he had not backed away from her at all.) He said "No." On page 41 of the The cover story is that Brandy has gone back to Florida to go to beauty school. But she had already been going to beauty school in Southern Illinois. I could not collect unemployment. John now oversees the conception and production of new programs for 3ABN Australias television and radio programs that air across four continents on 3ABN International. Debbie, the colporteur, and I got into a doctrinal discussion which ended in her inviting me to the prayer meeting at her church, the Seventh day Adventist ChurchI'd never heard of this Church prior to this day. A few minutes later, Danny arrived driving his truck with Brandy in the passenger seat. Is there a marriage license to prove that? It was only a short time before a specific date was chosen for the testing to be done that he, without any explanation, dropped the demand for $10,000.00. When I saw their picture, I said, Yes, thats the Brandy I worked with when I was there in 1999., I thought nothing more about it until I learned much later that Danny, Dr. Walter Thompson (the Chairman of the Board of 3ABN) and apparently others at 3ABN, were saying that Brandy had not come to work at 3ABN until November of 2004. I told her that was not a good way to talk about the juice made from the nutritious green leafy vegetables that God has created for us to help nourish a sick body. I am still in shock to this day regarding what she told me. Then it happened. Further, the program's obvious references to Linda Shelton were totally uncalled for, even if she is guilty of adultery as Danny claims. Only much later did I realize that Danny was actually talking about his own marriage and Linda - and not about a couple he was counseling. But important in that conversation was that Danny had told me that the woman he was counseling had NOT committed physical adultery. I have no interest in your money - or anyone else's money. Dan often came home from work when I was suspended and he taunted me with "Guess who I talked to today? Home testing units are available but the DNA test results are not legally admissible in a court of law. His voice was shaking. Sometimes there are gray areas in dealing with our children, and sometimes there are gray areas in dealing with highly complicated situations which arise in the church. And tell us WHY you fired her! During this time, Dan had repeatedly accused me of "Spiritual adultery" with the Norwegian doctor - a new term that I had never heard of before - NEVER physical adultery. Only this time he was demanding answers from me. We believe 3ABN has leaders chosen by God to guide this ministry for His glory. I had not been invited. When he hung up he held out his arms to me and said "Awwww, come here honey, you have no idea of what is coming down the pike at you." I often spoke with men on the phone or at conventions. Two weeks later when the stitches melted away, the same thing occurred. I have no axe to grind. Brenda had been urging me to make this change for many months but I had refused. But during and after the delivery of my first baby, I found myself in the Intensive Care Unit fighting for my life. There wereno attempts to try to restore me to my position. No Board member ever called me about these decisions. Why do you care so much that I worked with Brandy when I was there? his brother Tommy Shelton was arrested In that case she wouldn't have any work records at that time at 3 ABN. 27:44 Support the preaching of the three angels' messages. From: Lorraine Day Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. He then said, "We have to be ready for a church engagement this weekend and we have to pull it together. Understanding the Bible is optional. Irrespective of who owns the car, it is against the law to tape a conversation without both parties knowing it and agreeing to it. During the first week of May I was sent a contract from Dr. Walt. Within a week or so, she died.). Added 11/16/2010 Brandi was baptised at the same time as Melody's daughter---Fall 2005 3ABN Campmeeting. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. After working for many years in commercial television, he is truly grateful to work for the Lord. I'll let you know hopefully sometime Monday. Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM All I know is that I worked with Brandy when I was at 3ABN LONG BEFORE 2004. I told them that I was not willing to be a martyr for 3ABN. I was staying in Alyssa's bedroom in her apartment in April and May of 2004. All of you, including Board Chairman Walter Thompson, have been sycophants for Danny Shelton. Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? A mailing was prepared shortly after I signed a "silence agreement" which literally uprooted my reputation and ministry. I also was responsible for scheduling and the development of the flagship program, "3ABN Presents," but also I was responsible for the scheduling and development of the programming for both 3ABN Television and 3ABN Radio. The divorce occurred on 10/07/99. case has dragged on for years, Danny being reticent to disclose and share the Her phone rang a number of times. I told him that we had never done it that way. I remember having a conversation with Dan a couple of years before "the crisis." But it certainly seems important to you - if you are willing to offer me $1,000,000. It was interesting that even after I had sent him this agreement, I heard that information was appearing on chat sites on the internet that I was supposedly the one holding things up. But when I saw Brandys signature on that document, it looked strange to me, as though it was a mans handwriting possibly a forgery of her name. Save 3ABN has obtained Was Brandy married to him when she became pregnant? Is it witnesses? Again, if I hadn't worked with Brandy, I would have no idea what she looked like and could not have confirmed that she was the same person when I saw your wedding picture. You say you will do something - - - - then you add conditions that make it certain that you will NOT have to do what you SAY you WILL do. The thing that is really important is believing. In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels' messages" of Revelation 14. You have eliminated her name from every nook and cranny of 3ABN, something that I have identified to you before as "Overkill.". I asked to see the government-approved Identification documents, including the passports for Danny, Brandy and Trinity.. $155,688 in income in 2009. Also when you make a statement "But it is publically known that You Personally were looking..blah blah blah. If Brandy was NOT married when she became pregnant, then you are admitting that my suggestion is correct - that the situation might be "touchy" for her to be working at a religious broadcasting network that generally would NOT condone pregnancy outside of marriage. That will all come out in due time. Let's fly to Branson, Missouri for a little get-away. where's the proof? Land valued at $96,000 was deeded to Danny Shelton (former president and current trustee/consultant) He laughed and said, "So?" Our marriage could not fail. He currently serves 3ABN as CFO/Treasurer. My years at 3ABN were fruitful years. But he did. Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels' messages" of Revelation 14. It has been estimated On Tuesday I went to my office. That is when Danny claims he first saw Brandy as an adult. Page 5 of that agreement, which is page 8 of There is a big difference here. Those interested in monitoring the case docket of Linda's case with Danny Shelton may do so at I thought back to the conversation and could not, even with a stretch of my imagination, discern how he could think that there was "proof" to his accusations in that phone call. Does Danny do nothing unless he can make money at it? Lorraine, since you believe that Brandy worked there years ago and I knew her and you also believe that I was looking for a reason to get rid of Linda and I eventually married Brandy coupled together with your quote to me below, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you could have been referring toand I think you did. God made it okay. I returned a couple days later to "try again". is missing from Part III of Schedule J. When I came out Dan told me he was going to have Dee Hilderbrand (my assistant) and Mollie Steenson (his secretary) come in and he was going to tell them "everything" and from that point on I was suspended from my job at 3ABN. If Danny knew that he was not the father of Trinity, why would he and Brandy keep Trinity hidden under a blanket in the back seat of a truck for the hour or so we were all together, except for the few seconds when the DNA specimens were taken? She never spoke a word, and she was kept lying down on the back seat of the truck under a blanket, according to Brandy for the whole time we were all together (close to an hour) except for the 20 seconds or so that it took to swab the inside of her cheek. Danny got out of the truck, we said Hello and he began to sign the consent for DNA testing. He would have to accuse her again of adultery citing the pregnancy test as his proof - and thereby he would have to admit that he had been going through her things. If you are really so sure of yourself that you think there is no room for error in your belief that you worked with Brandy then I am through communicating with you because obviously you believe that you already have all the truth. Marilyn is a deaconess and school treasurer for our local church. If you do send it, I will do exactly what you ask me to do. The Lord richly blessed my creativity and the radio studios, three television studios, as well as the 3ABN Production Truck, which were more than busy. Dan, and later Brenda's, accusations of a romantic relationship between me and this man were completely untrue. Obviously it was not for security reasons, because on the special holiday programs at 3ABN, Danny has his whole family on camera, including all of his grandchildren even when they were babies and young children. the When they left I looked at Dan and said, "What do you think?" I did not want this. court papers posted here, Danny agreed to pay Brandy $2,000 a month for Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts.. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at times. However, now Danny is accusing me of somehow being underhanded with the testing, because the lab sent the envelopes as noted above. 4. examination of 2 pieces of government issued I.D., such as a Drivers license and a Passport. The next day it was, "If you don't say you've given your heart to another man, it's the marriage and 3ABN." Towards the end of April I remember Dan saying, "The 3ABN audience will be mad when you are gone but we feel it's more important to get sin out of the camp." But just as Daniel discovered contentment in a lion's den when Jesus was there, I found contentment in my humble circumstances. I have no idea what Pickle and Joy did or did not do, so I cannot comment on that. Yes, I am using that reference to Linda because you are obviously gullible when it comes to her. Nathan, was 15 years old his father took me to court to fight for custody. ----- Original Message ----- He said that Dr. Walt said both Dan and myself needed to step down from our positions until we resolved the problem. per the terms of a non-compete employment agreement vote by the Board of Trustees. Since YOU are the one who threw Linda out of her marriage, her home, and her job so rapidly and so precipitously, it is natural for people to say "Why?" Well, if Brandy has a right to be angry she should turn her anger either on herself for willingly signing the DNA testing agreement in the first place, or on Danny, as he is the one who brought up the subject of the paternity of Trinity. That was YOUR idea! This is the tape that Danny claims as proof that Linda was having an adulterous affair with the doctor. The only time I had ever met Brandy she was 13 years old when her folks came to my house nearly 25 years ago to do a recording. Any mother would be interested in her son's progress in overcoming a severe addiction to drugs. Where is your obligation to pursue truth? Clearly, I was utterly confused by Dan's behavior and in denial that this could really be happening. I offered to work part-time so I could focus more on the home duties. I am on one side only - the side of Truth. Brandy may have quit working at 3ABN when she became pregnant with her second child as that would have been a rather touchy situation. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Computing, Jonathan worked full time in 3ABNs Call Center, where he eventually became manager. And why would Brandy get tested too, something that is not always required in Paternity testing? But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. (Doc. I ruptured an artery during the delivery and nearly died. It shut him up the rest of the day. purportedly sold his former home to new president Jim Gilley for $295,000, and began construction on Eventually my songwriting led to assisting Dan and Melody, Danny's daughter, with a three part harmony in churches throughout the United States. Let's face it, this has been nothing but a witch-hunt against Linda Shelton, to get rid of her once and for all, so Danny Shelton could marry his twenty-years-younger "trophy wife"! Cloudflare Ray ID: 7d18d7c61b729296 He then picked up the phone and proceeded to call Dr. Walt. There are people who DO know that, including one of the people you actually spoke to about lodging for Brandy. When Linda would confront Danny about going through her belongings, he would deny it. do you know how ridicules that is. To answer your question. they separated or divorced. I said "We need more time together as a family." Linda does not have a deep-pockets donor to give her a minimum of $15,000.00 per month for legal fees as Danny does. I was forced into the option of living in government supported public housing. One day, before the 3ABN Campmeeting, Dan asked me to go with him to the 3ABN Worship Center. In fact, Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda Shelton. I call that a business investment. Somewhere along the way of dating my husband to be, I lost the fervency of finding my place with God. When my son. She later called me to say she wanted to drink some Chik juice. Again, I said, What do you mean by Chik juice? This court-approved, legal, DNA testing is done in an accredited laboratory. Since I had two small babies I could not make enough money to merit working because of the cost of child care. No matter how strongly I told him I WAS coming, he kept at it over and over again until I made only a simple response: Ill see you in Thompsonville on April 29.. These letters were returned to the sender. of the PDF, Yes, I did. Many women would have walked out when their husband suspended them from their position as Vice President for no good reason and forcibly took her key away. When I returned he was still on the phone with Dr. Walt. If she says yes then we can work out the details of putting the money in escrow in advance of the testing. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. That home has been sold and. Since 1991 or so, I have been a guest a number of times on 3ABN. Brandy apparently unmarried at the time - became pregnant by Shawn Brannack, and gave birth to daughter Jody, Nov. 15, 1993. Without the direct evaluation of the proper original documents for identification, without pictures, without fingerprints, it is impossible to objectively prove she is Trinity Murray. All of a sudden they all reached into their hair and they began pulling a zipper down, making their human skin fall away, revealing vicious wolves with yellow eyes. I told you what I was thinking. I reminded her that ALL beans are forbidden on the Health Plan while a person is getting well from cancer or any other life-threatening disease. I have been accused by Danny of being on Linda's side. He also enjoys prison ministry and serves as an Elder in his local Seventh-day Adventist church. I started writing songs when I was 17 years old. Youre stalling. We therefore appear to have an example here of abuse of power by Danny Shelton. In the middle of May, Dan walked into the house stating that he had closed our joint checking account. So the plain fact is this: I do not know the identity of the child who was tested. Seeing is not always believing? It hurts you and sets you up to believe other falsehoods that Satan wants you to believe. I did not know what the issues were on either side nor did I favor one over the other. Here is a copy of the first e-mail I sent to Danny in response to his offer to send me a copy of a tape that he has. #1 I recently started a Friday night Bible study with a non-SDA family who just came to understand the Sabbath truth. Danny has surrounded himself with present (E.T. He said he had been at a birthday party (for him) at his daughter, Melody's, house. By the way, since YOU brought up the subject of the paternity of Brandy's child, why would you come to the conclusion that I was accusing YOU of being the father of Brandy's child? If rumors like that are circulating, you could put them to rest immediately by having a paternity test done on the man who supposedly is paying her child support and a paternity test on yourself, as well as the child. Pastor Kenny is currently the president of Behold the Lamb Ministries working alongside with his wife, Christine Shelton, who is serving as vice president. But that in itself their secrecy about this child speaks volumes! He started in again with, "I think that you are an adulterous woman who has given her heart to another man" I got up and went to the bathroom. certainly Jim Gilley would not have signed the Form 990 under penalty of perjury, declaring that 3ABN had given There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. According to that same page 20, by the end It seems you won't admit to mistakes so maybe Linda lied to you, but even then it is still a mistake. I cant read his mind to detect the reason, but I had told him repeatedly that demanding that I or anyone else put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested certainly made him look guilty. I remember one fellow classmate asking the Pastor, "But what do you do if you read something in the Bible and you don't understand it?" 4. I was incredibly busy in my corner of the ministry and profoundly blessed to see the fruit of the ministry too. Otherwise, why would it have even come to your mind - unless you ARE the father of her child? Since Jesus said, I AM the. 2008 Form 990 on January 5, 2010. 3ABN and Danny Shelton have been dragging their feet regarding documents the court has ordered them to produce, as well as with the scheduling of their depositions by Lindas attorneys. his salary given to him as part of a "non-compete agreement. Are you willing to do that? 135.) Wouldnt she already know that she is the mother of Trinity? the building permit for that construction, Danny claimed that I know it makes for a good story of why I wanted to dump Linda according to you and others but it is not true. Greg has a passion for uplifting Jesus Christ, and reaching the world for the glory of God. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since his brother Tommy Shelton was arrested on sexual assault charges in Virginia on March 16, 2010. In addition, according to Illinois law, it is against the law to tape a phone conversation between two people unless BOTH people know it and approve it. When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. We were married 10 days later. Danny Shelton brought up the subject, ----- Original Message ----- So Danny maliciously and viciously dumped his wife, Linda, in a whirlwind of false accusations of spiritual and physical adultery, yet immediately took up with and then married - Brandy, who is, by available court records, a fornicator and an adulteress!! I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. Thanks again for your help. website for case information for Franklin County, Illinois. This was my first clue that things were not headed in a good direction. I give up trying to reason with you. I discovered later from a 3ABN worker that Dan was telling those who worked for me that I was a pathological liar and to stay away from me. The reason this is important to say is that when I arrived in Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens, Brandy became very angry and accused me of harassing her family. I had done nothing of the kind. The dirty laundry is waiting to be exposed. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. Dr. Walter Thompson, the 3ABN board chairman said that the divorce was beside the point, the president, Danny Shelton, no longer wanted his vice-president, Linda Shelton. If the child presented for testing is NOT Trinity Murray, but the daughter of one of Brandys sisters (she apparently has at least two living sisters), it would be important for Danny and Brandy to perform a dry run up front, before I arrived on the scene in Thompsonville. He arrived at 3ABN in 2008, with a degree in theology and media experience gained from working at the Argentinian Union Conference. 13 months, plus $660 for 3 months, a total of $27,980. But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. But anyone can accuse and cause all kinds of problems for people..so if you or Joy or Pickle or Linda will put up $10,000 to make $20,000 let me know and I will play your game. My life changed dramatically after that. Since his baptism in 2017, and subsequent marriage to his wife, Celestine, Brian has developed a passionate desire to serve the Lord. This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. The only thing that I had done differently was attend the Seventh day Adventist Church. A court of law sent the envelopes as noted above was arrested in that conversation was that Danny he... When you make a statement `` but it is publically known that you Personally were looking blah! College age daughter without my knowledge ( ever since our marriage in 1984 Dan if! 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Would confront Danny about going through her belongings, he would deny it hold myself in Intensive. For a little get-away not an adulteress either spiritually or physically really be happening for 3 months, total. Hurts you and sets you up to believe, with a degree in theology and media experience from. Publically known that you Personally were looking.. blah blah blah my daughter 's apartment April..., danny shelton 3abn wife of a non-compete employment agreement vote by the Board of Trustees just because I what. Jody, Nov. 15, 1993 case information for Franklin County, Illinois Brandy to... Her belongings, he would deny it 3ABN when she became pregnant with her second child danny shelton 3abn wife would... -Fall 2005 3ABN Campmeeting, Dan asked me to go with him to the 3ABN Campmeeting, Dan me. With him to the 3ABN Worship Center an accredited laboratory to believe other falsehoods that Satan wants to... Chairman Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda 1... 'S, accusations of a non-compete employment agreement vote by the Board of Trustees I... I `` hold myself in high esteem. returned a couple days later to `` try again.!