Shauna is still in shock over Jackies passing in the middle of the night due to heavy snowfall, and she is dealing with the trauma in her own way. For me, it's because I only read the recap, and I really thought Young was only imagining it. Didnt things turn out badly the last time he left someone for Young? As for the actual epilogue to all this coordinated madness, I found the actual stabbing inconsequential and the final scenes bizarre. But that's really the only thing I wonder. Either way, I did really love this drama. The scenario with the child and sec wang of course was only a part of the scne that it should be clear. What else could he have done? The beginning was wonderful, but it definitely lost steam and direction toward the end. Flowers were for the grave. As if I never wanted to die.. A romcom, please!!! In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. As the final season of CWs The Flash slowly approaches its last lap, fan-favorite characters are brought back into the series to provide their arcs with the gratifying Oh, btw about the cherry blossom painting we saw in this episode..there was another painting shown in the first episode of TWTWB, but it depicted a barren tree instead of flowers in full blossom (what lovely symbolism). Great acting and great film making make for a creepy first half but a lack of direction ruins the second, Good effort undermined by some bad choices, "Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make Mad": Euripides. The ending seems to be pushed/could be better, yes. 7. but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. But thanks for the pretty and until the end am still team KKB, boy's way too fine! I loved that. Starts off slow so you think it's just taking its time, introducing you to the characters so you care when they (presumably) start to die horribly later on. Shes had it rough, but so did Soo. But I'm leaning toward a happy-ever-after both are alive and living and loving ending, because hey, this is K-drama land, and if Young can survive a wrist-slitting, then Soo can survive a fatal knife woundtwice. The Last Winter is an eco-supernatural horror film about oil workers in the Arctic who are stalked by a vengeful spirit determined to keep them from exploiting the oil. Really, why? Why? so that ending was weird, to say the least. Plan 99 was named after the malformed clone named 99, who sacrificed himself back in Kamino when the Empire infiltrated the base of the clones. Cant we get some blunt force trauma up in here to change things up? Jin-sung tells Boss Man that all the winnings are his in order to pay Soos debt, but Boss Man has another plan he knows where Jin-sungs family is, which is already a threat in and of itself. I am not sure I can bothered to understand anything from the last episode. WebThroughout "Winter Dreams," we are under the impression that this is the story of Dexter Green's love for Judy Jones. Thanks Heads! I Think the drama ended in happy ending. Awards Though IMY is a drama I'd only recommend with warnings attached (it's definitely not for everyone) there was no story-logic fail. Was this technique not used by both Soo and Young more than a few times throughout the drama? You will receive a link to create a new password via email. 4. If not, theyll call the cops. kirtland country club membership dues. It'll fit, but it's not exactly neat. if not it's a freaking truck not an attack ninja -- your family can flee so what the hell are you doing?) that he doesnt need it anymore, all while Young stands at her open window, ringing the glass bell as he leaves. Thank you again Heads for being on this journey with us and for helping us make sense of it. Ah, so maybe shes making plans for the future since she wants to have a future now. It was shot with crimson, like a splash of blood. If we add the something else, then this was an insanely beautiful if not sometimes-frustrating exercise in understanding people who looked like people, but had some moments where they didnt really act like people. It's a really nice juxtaposition, imo. Soo makes Jin-sung and Boss Man nervous when he keeps folding, but Soo reveals his tactic during a time out he wanted to come this close to losing so Boss Man would have no option but to buy in. I normally question these things in my head, but this time, I prefer that everyone heals for no apparent reason to get my happy ending. Sec. I love it. I think they were talking about actually bringing flowers for his restaurant. User Ratings I really liked the beginning (episode 8 was definitely the climax of happiness for me) but then we dove into melo land which culminated in a LOT of crying in the last episode. It can't be heaven either, because they would've just MET each other. Jin-sung arrives in the meantime so Boss Man can declare him Soos gambling partner, and all of Soos huffing and puffing cant reverse the situation now. The show was very beautiful to look at. The characters were very well scripted and portrayed. Thank you so much <33333333. I didn't understand why JS didn't react right away and tried to save him. Secretary Wang and Young have a heart to heart as Wang tells her that even after the surgery, Young wont be able to live alone not because shes handicapped, but because no one can do anything alone. It was just the two of them, but in this ending, there were several others. So if we get a time leap, then we're also fast forwarding the course of the disease but why is Young's vision clearer? (futile question, I know)." Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. Oh, Heads, if you have just discovered Jo In-sung through this show, I would recommend you The Frozen Flower. I wonder what it will be? Or something? heads, i remember u commenting on SHK casted in a melodrama (TWTWB) which makes me think u don't like her acting abilities? Now after years of negotiations and behind the scenes dealing the advance group from Northern Industries is preparing the way for full scale drilling. Through this drama my love for SHK is firm now and not much to JIS. Good play, Soo. WebThe Last Winter. I tried to write down all of the questions I still had at the end, but my fingers got tired. I felt that the plot and the characterizations started to fall apart in the last episodes. But the entire last episode did not flow at all from the previous ones. I wouldn't be here if it always follows my logic. It's not completely original, mind you. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. I think they are dead. All suicide attempts are a cry for attention? endings were perfectly done. balsamic vinaigrette calories vs ranch. Indeed, I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it this way. I love this show for all its prettiness and as much as I try to make myself truly love it, I can't help but leave feeling empty and cold towards the latter part of the show. My take: Soo died. But in the end, it became just another k-melo that lost its footing, yet garnered tons of attention anyway. It's alright if you're uncomfortable watching others be intimate at the moment, buuut "porn" is not the correct label for such a film. But, no matter what flaws this drama has, I have to admit that I do LOVE this drama. It's what sets this drama apart from the movie version which was a neat package in itself but i felt the drama extended and explored and fleshed out the characters on a deeper level that made me - with the exception of Sec Wang (whatthehell show- she made her blind, i don't care how well she can cook)- connect with the narration as a whole. Thank you so much, Heads, for verbalizing all of my frustration and crankiness over the ending of this show, especially the illogical, disjointed mess of the final episode. But she didn't, her vision is only recovering, thus the blurry images. And HeadsNo2, thank you, once again, for not squandering your gift and for so generously sharing it with us. Bad. Jin-sung, WHY did you hang up on Hee-sun?! (Dude, where were you when your boss was driving on pain killers?). But, on the other hand, how many times did we complain that some dramas never need extension and they just dragged toooooooooo damn long? So the truck didn't run over everyone? I do find myself chuckling at times when reading her recaps. Having Soo say he made a mistake is kind of the show telling everyone to forgive her. After the book reading at the cafe, was it only Young's wishful thinking and imagination while she was walking and reminiscing about a dead Soo? It had some surprises the biggest one that there was a happy ending. ), but he stays on the phone with Mi-ra to get updates on Youngs surgery. I think they are dead. The American oil company KIK Corporation is building an ice road to explore the remote northern Arctic National Wildlife Refuge seeking energy independence. For me was obvious oh young didnt regain her sight, she basically could see only soo. One can argue it was a reference of Young's brother but I feel it was a reference they are bringing lamb's ears for both Soo and Young as she most likely died the same day as Soo in surgery and the flowers would be a way to remember them both Soo is alive. We shouldnt have to go through what a character is feeling in order to understand them if that were the case, how could I understand the plight of second generation chaebol princes or cross-dressing nuns joining an idol group if Ive never been in those shoes? They could have done the movie with only half of them. Can she see? Hed told Wang not to tell Young. We know that the pursuit of it has led not only to vast environmental damage, but also numerous wars and countless deaths. Why? Because more than any other k-drama writer I can think of, NHK is gifted at writing highly relatable, complex characters whom I understand. She fights Loki and manages to kick him back to the TVA, leaving her alone with Richards. So let me get this straight. I have all the reasons to have this drama, yet I love it and I enjoy it. I loved this drama. Soo lies(?) Soo nods, understanding even though it hurts. And if somehow the show fails to root a characters emotions and reactions in some form of universal logic, then in the words of Cool Hand Luke, What weve got here is a failure to communicate.. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. She got the call from Jin-sung while she was on her way to treat Young. It's even weirder cuz 2 eps ago lawyer ahjussi was angrily throwing her out asking her if she's human and all and then hey! The power of The Last of Us video game lies in its ending. And Jinsung and Hee Sung were talking about the memorial for Soo. Theoretically, you have a beautiful setup with Jin Sung regarding Soo as his brother, as a part of his family, as the object of his loyalty and on the other side his commitment to his blood-related family and Hee Sun and Boss Kim in the background, pulling evil strings and digging his grave. I have rated this 1 out of 10, because 0 is not available. I wouldn't mind a directors cut not for more action but more subtext. I hate mellow, I always hate mellow. editions Episode One of Yellowjackets Season 2 is a continuation of how the last episode of season 1 ended. This week, though, We can theorize that he had to heal and hide for a bit from Boss Man, and that he was fine as long as he could keep a distant eye on Young. Sigh! Just like Young, this show grew and developed until about halfway, when it started losing its momentum, getting more secretive, and reverting to bad old habits. He continues on, and Young smiles. There were just moments that I wanted to backtrack to check if I missed out anything, but just didn't have the patience to go through the frustrations again. If nothing else, this was an insanely beautiful show, well-scored and well-acted. I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. Same here. The scenes are blurry because that's how Young sees the world now. As with Sec Wang, I totally get the wholw"so despereate to be a mom that she goes batshit crazy and blinds the child" BUT come on- how does that make her the best-suited person to care for Young??? Really, there are other ways to say you miss someone. So, being the med geek that I am, I am consoling myself with the thought that she had Stem Cell treatment that Noh Hee Kyung-nim didn't have time to incorporate. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me. In this supernatural-themed thriller a remote Alaskan outpost owned by a major oil company is haunted and its personnel are killed off either by the ghosts of ancient creaturesor by nature itself.Reminiscent to "The Thing" and "The Shining" the newest horror film by Larry Fessenden is mostly about global warming and its ghastly consequences.It seems that global warming somehow released the malignant spirits of ancient creatures that attack the oil company employees.In the vein of "The Shining" the personnel is slowly going insane one by one.Unfortunately the entire eerie premise is ruined by awful ending with silly CGI creatures make their appearance.The action is slow-moving,the gore is completely absent,but there are few spine-tingling moments.6 out of 10. WHY WOULD YOU KILL HIM!? But for some unknown reason, we refuse to move forward. I was waiting to see if the aftermath changed how I felt about the whole ordeal, since there was a chance for the show to treat the attempt in a thoughtful and meaningful way. And the "softy" villain wasn't so much a softy as an audience fave. I mean, there's blunt force trauma, but it's not exactly subtle. What did NOT make sense was Jin-sung's betrayal. What a sad waste of talent. I honestly handwave the whole stabbing scene away. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access I cant understand how you couldnt even make an excuse. | Thank you so much for the recap! Nia opines that after honing her dream power manipulation skills and making a successful career as the Dreamer, she wanted to amp herself up to the next level and investigate an ancient source of Naltorian dream energy, which grants her powers. I cant forgive you, she says. The focus is oddly blurry as she gets out of the taxi, and the sound of Soos bell charm reaches her ears as a man wearing it passes her on a bicycle. (Even Wang's redemption arc, though not something I agree with, was well supported within the story -- it didn't come out of nowhere.). Are they both dead and finally meeting in the afterlife? (I could buy him being dead if they'd left it at the bicycle scene -- but the restaurant was too real.). I guess they do look like people and act like people then. Young has a surprisingly full head of long hair a year after brain surgery, and everyone seems to be having a good time. Wang's crimes. well probably what heads meant was that since she underwent a brain surgery, at least part of her hair had to be completely shaved prior to it being performed.. I was half expecting at the very end to show Young dieing at the operation table as if she dreamt the ending. However, discussions I've read in other parts of the internet, have me convinced that it truly was a happy ending, with everyone alive and well. Please enter your username or email address. I still don't get this drama. Similarly, in Goodbye Solo, NHK gradually gets you into the head and the heart of each character-- you may not like some of the characters or their actions, but you'll understand where they're coming from. Yes, my eyes feasted with those beautiful cherry blossom ending but I still felt robbed. winter last 2006 imdb imdbpro filmmakers contact I too felt a bit confused about these show towards the last few episodes, but I'm pretty happy with my ending. Unending character development and "deeply meaningful" conversation pegged this movie closer to a drama than anything else. Now that was a great ending. However the group is divided into so many different factions(the company man,the conservationist,the spiritualist etc. But since it didn't really do anything anyway I just push it from my mind and enjoy what's left. This is one drama that defies logic. The following contains spoilers from The Flashs Season 8 finale. leihen videobuster Now shes looking toward the future, to when theyll meet again. Why show, whyyy?? Personally, I feel that they died and met in the afterlifeonly because the whole Jinsung stabbing Soo scene hinted that he had killed himjust the way it was executed and by the end he fell to the ground like a dying person. She needed her since Soo was not in her daily life. Sex is a natural part of our life and that is artistically shot and they are just depicting a natural human behavior to get aroused and be lustful, because if you don't then you are not normal . Sadly, that wasn't the case. Maybe you can pretend her long hair is a wig, LOL. So for a hot second there, I thought that the ending sequence was a dream, in part because of the blurriness of it all and the inherent implausibility of well, everything. I guess I cant begrudge a character for not being selfless, so Ill boil it down simply: No matter her deep-seated issues, Young didnt make for an enjoyable heroine. Like Heads said, there are other ways to say you miss someone. No surprise there especially after MC was redeemed, shown to be running interference all along and Wang was let off the hook which was crud. (ending) Confused. Everything made its own logical point UNTIL the last episode. Why wouldnt I want to love her when I started out that way?) As you said, this show was well acted, well scored (and the editing was well done for the acting and for how the music was placed in the show). She rings it with a smile. I agree with you on the ending.The blurriness of the scene was to depict Young's perspective.After surgery her vision is most likely not going to be perfect thus there is a blurriness in her vision.Furthermore, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung stated in their interviews that it was indeed a happy ending.They actually knew from the start that it would be happy ending since Writer Noh that it would be one.So hopefully everyone is no longer confused about the ending being sad or an open one. Connect with Facebook At first I thought it was some kind of alternate reality where they both died and created it so they (and us viewers) can come into terms with moving on. I really love him. You brought up an interesting point for 1. I do agree with you that how we got to that light at the end of the tunnel was more important than the light itself. Also, if they were both in the afterlife, I'm sure Young would get 100% of her sight back. As if to answer her request for them to be able to talk once she wakes up, Soo kisses her. The events of the Night Agent season 1 amounted So much attention has been put into every character's emotions, and perhaps it was that which made the last couple of episodes lacking in spunk. The use of soft-focus lens didn't seem to mesh well with the story-telling part. and yeah. | At first, neither Tess nor Joel are aware of why Ellie is so important to the Fireflies and Marlene. I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand (and empathize with). I missed the Soo whod scold Young in front of a mall crowd for not accepting help, or the one whod return a punch thrown at him. Young not only forgives her, but understands that Wang loved her all this time and just couldnt express it properly. To be honest, I was relieved when you wrote that you felt conflicted about the finale and the last few episodes. :(, HAHAHAHAHAH! When that time comes, you will answer all of my questions without hiding anything. The atmosphere of coldness, emptiness, isolation and the resulting paranoia are captured perfectly. But after watching the episode for myself and listening to the dialogue, it's obvious that Soo is alive. Could you tell me exactly what it is about the ending that eluded you? Is she dreaming? Sometimes you can't explain your heart. It's not like she's an emotionally stable person thinking through exactly how this will effect the people around her. ;), Which means Soo must be alive, too. I crack up at times while reading her recaps 'cause she's writing about serious moments in such a dry, humorous way. To me it appeared a cop out or a compromise how ever you want to go. Alongside Schwarzenegger, it also features Jaimie Alexander, Forest Whitaker, and Luis Guzmn. It's photographed beautifully and (by and large) acted with conviction and sensitivity. The events of the Night Agent season 1 amounted to a tumultuous journey for all involved, not excluding the shows main antagonists. Soo stays vigilant at Youngs bedside until she wakes and realizes hes there with her. The setting is bleak, white and, of course, isolated. Documentation and research found in an abandoned shack in the middle of the Arctic by another team member suggest that the Earth is releasing 'The Last Winter'. This implies that the rapacious, virus-like behavior of oil-seeking humans has resurrected the 'ghosts' of the fossil-fuels being siphoned out of the ground. (function(d, s, id) { @picklemonster: I was happy with the happy ending, too. A call to Hee-sun affirms that Boss Man isnt lying, and Jin-sung looks devastated as the mean old geezer slides him a knife. I don't know. I still think this would have made for a interesting -if somehow predictable- conflict. I can see just enough to see that youre very good looking, she adds. Good play. Moo Chul? It took me two watches to finally come around and give this movie credit where it was due. If that had been me, I'd have taken the knife and gone after Kim. I don't think it was an excuse to put in alot of sex scenes. My hope: This drama was a commissioned one and in exchange of this ratings success SBS will let her write her own personal project. Soo calls Mi-ra to say hes on his way, but still, shouldnt he stay to make sure Jin-sung gets out of there? I waited for you for a long time, Young says. "The Last Winter" has an effective build up. Furthermore, they focused on the flowers, which looked like the lamb's ear and freesias they were talking about. Instead of theorizing, theres another option, in that the obligatory happy ending could have just made sense without requiring leaps in logic. As Wang recites Youngs table setting like the old days, Youngs eyes brim with tears. Sad how it happens to many of the dramas I follow. The writer likely originally wrote a typical melo ending. Doctor Sun-hee treats Young at home, with Lawyer Jang and her closest friends watching nervously even as Sun-hee declares that Young will be fine when she wakes up. The bit with Secretary Wang is so, so weird. Call it the Arctic Documentary, meets Alive!, meets Jurassic 'Horror' Park. When she was with Secretary Wang, Lawyer Jang, and her ex-fiance with those blind kids, those scenes were not blurry. I think if they showed the process of Jin Sung contemplating whether to stab Oh Soo or not, then we wouldn't get that element of surprise. Mean old geezer slides him a knife but so did Soo since Soo was not in her daily.... Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a ending. With us I mean, there are other ways to say you miss someone when that time,. 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