whose vote counts, explained transcript

Having said that, it's unlikely that Allende's Marxist-socialist economy would ever have been able to compete with a "free market" system, even with full support of the United States. Written by William Buckley, Jr., the book was critical of the atheist, socialist and Keynesian teachings at Yale and other Eastern Establishment universities, even more so because not all students agreed with them. A 2018 study, although less neutral, showed even worse numbers for Trump (although very recognizable): October 10, 2018, Investors.com, 'Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study': May 9, 2007, The Guardian, 'Happy Birthday Barbara': May 16, 2019, BBC, 'Conrad Black: Trump pardons ex-media baron 'friend'': Red flags pointing to Trump being a "conservative CIA" asset: Trump's father was close to the CIA- and DOD-dominated, Trump and his father also were close to Jewish lawyer Roy Cohn, a director of the neocon, In 1999-2000 Trump was a candidate for the bizarre Reform Party of Ross Perot, who has been partying for many years at this point with CIA directors and special operations commanders at the. The neocon non-establishment III: James Woolsey. In fact, there are very few rules that boards have to follow in deciding whether to release someone on parole. There's been much talk about the "neoconservatives" in particular since George W. Bush was elected president in 2000, followed by 9/11, the War on Terror, and the invasions. The neocon non-establishment II: names and positions. Net worth is estimated at $2.3 billion. Where to even start? As has been discussed by ISGP, the CIA, mainly through the private club of men as Richard Helms, Ted Shackley, Frank Carlucci and George H. W. Bush, has maintained relations with the Vatican-Paneuropa network (Le Cercle), the Saudis (Safari Club), and, seemingly through the neocons, Israel. ': Anti-Third World immigration group founded in 1979 by Frank Tanton, with initial funding actually coming from Warren Buffett. (note: thinking about it, April 19 is the Patriot movement's "holy day", so it may have been a precaution): May 23, 1995 Edye Smith interview with CNN's anchor Gary Tuchman: Suspicions have existed for a long time that Timothy McVeigh was involved with a German military intelligence guy named Guenter Strassmeir who infiltrated Nazi town Elohim City. I talked to him in a crowded restaurant in a high-end mall in north Phoenix. The media doesn't expose this. In 1988 Woolsey's neocon ties were solidified when he joined the board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) [14], co-founded a decade earlier by Senator Henry Jackson (there he is again) and Iran-Contra veteran Michael Ledeen [15], who, just as Jackson, was close to CIA officers Ted Shackley, of Le Cercle, and Ray Cline, a co-chair of the American Security Council and the U.S. Even the lawyer of assassin Volkert van der Graaf was a member. As discussed in detail in ISGP's intro article, the Rockefeller influence has been working through all Democrat and Republican administrations from Truman to Obama. As usual, I don't agree with everything in the article, nor do I think it's written in the most coherent fashion. Senior Advisor to the President Jan. 2017-. A vote by division takes no cognizance of Members present but not voting, and consequently the number of votes counted by division has no tendency to establish a lack of a quorum (June 29, 1988, p. 16504). December 4, 2018, De Dagelijkse Standaard, 'Woedende Frits Bolkestein maakt ruzie met Mark Rutte en eist: teken dat zelfmoordpact van Marrakesh NIET'. The first I picked was the Hudson Institute, the second the American Enterprise Institute, and the third the Manhattan Institute. In February 1964 Revilo Oliver wrote the article, Under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald, he was the author of the partially prophetic 1978 novel, Extremely telling in terms of controlled opposition, in 2002 Pierce's National Alliance founded the, 1947 founder of Regnery Publishing, later named Regnery Publishing, Inc., today part of the, In 1957 Regnery was present at the 10th anniversary meeting of the. They should be allowed to collapse, with more efficient corporations taking over. I missed the question, but the answer is increase the money supply.". As veteran ISGP readers might already suspect, this oversight and article is a mirror of ISGP's The Grassroots Myth: "Liberal CIA" Network of New Left Foundations, Media and Activist Groups. Ted Shackley was a key player in the AFIO until his death in 2002. The publication has always been only moderately conservative and served as a somewhat acceptable buffer between the Eastern Etablishment (of which Buckley solidly became part in the mid 1970s) and the more fanatic Christian conservatives with their anti-Eastern Establishment John Birch Society thinking. Key administration officials as secretaries of state, defense secretaries and national security advisors - namely Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, General Mike Flynn and John Bolton - have demonstrated ties to the Hoover Institution, American Enterprise Institute and other elements of the pro-Israel neocon network, complete with recommendations from Bush era administration officials. The Rockefeller Foundation-financed economist D. Gale Johnson arrived in the mid 1940s and ended up as chairman of the economics department in 1971-1975 and 1980-1984. In some states, the majority of board members were former cops and prosecutors, whose job it was to put people in prison and who may be more inclined to keep them there. Although going over the numbers, it actually turns out that pretend-"populist" prime minister Mark Rutte has been pushing the highest bracket down (from 52%), and the lowest bracket up (from 36%). The political boxes were summarized as follows: "Liberal CIA" are well-behaving social-democrats for the most part, who are always criticizing the establishment Democrats (and Republicans) of being "too corporate". ), shrooms, Salvia, Ibogaine and more; no out-of-control commercialism, such as 7 minute commercials just to watch the last minute of a miniseries, or commercial breaks every 5 minutes; no homeless people sleeping in the streets; little (black, etc.) Nathaniel Rothschild James Schlesinger Paul Volcker", belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/about/international-council.html (accessed: December 10, 2015): "Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill Michael Chertoff Oleg Deripaska. He is a son of Patricia Buckley Bozell, who is the daughter of Standard Oil-tied oil explorer William F. Buckley, Sr. (1881-1958). Beth Schwartzapfel: Remember how prosecutors and the Kanes wanted Jake to face the death penalty? TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree. President George H.W. On top of that, Woolsey has served on numerous low profile Pentagon committees. It was just a ridiculously low-quality endeavor, hardly more than a few semi-prominent names and a crappy website with a few basic statements. Rotten.com was founded by "Soylent", only recently identified by the name of Silicon Valley programmer Thomas E. Dell, and operated through Soylent Communications. [19] When it comes to any major black program the Pentagon might be running, it's hard to imagine Woolsey not being aware of it to some degree - as a lot of Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) seem to be hidden in private industry. Major financier Ochsner Foundation Hospital of Dr. Alton Ochsner, also linked to the JFK assasination saga. conservativetransparency.org/recipient/western-journalism-center/ (accessed: February 18, 2019): WorldNetDaily actually was involved in pushing 9/11-no-plane disinformation early on: March 11, 2002, Geoff Metcalf for World Net Daily, 'So where is the plane? The Manhattan Institute was an offshoot of the, A number of additional "conservative CIA" foundations had or have major Eastern Establishment ties. ", belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/about/international-council.html (accessed: September 9, 2008): "Ambassador Robert D. Blackwill Oleg Deripaska. We need you to take responsibility.. Using my discretion, but applying law. If you are against further Third World immigration - which easily 70-80% of whites are and 60% of minorities - or open to conspiracy, you are literally forced to take refuge in this pre-created political box and get behind one of the gurus here. In 1984-1985, during the earliest recovery phase, there even was Keynesian experiment being implemented under former IMF director Luis Escobar Cerda. August 6, 2017, Daily Stormer, 'Andrew Anglin and Richard Spencer: Top Notch Podcast, Bro Good Job, Guys'. Jean-Marie Le Pen and daughter Marine have been the leading anti-immigration "populist" political candidates in France from the 1990s to the 2010s. In fact, it will lead to the total disintegration of western society: no more public roads, no more army, no more police - except for those privately set up by the mega-corporations and banks. I feel silly for even writing this section. Viguerie's direct mail system was key in this group's fundraining efforts. More important names were to be found at the Chicago School. ALT-RIGHT AND NEOCON ANTI-ISLAMIC IMMIGRATION NGOS, IMPORTANT NAMES CLOSE TO THE NAZI MOVEMENT, THINK TANKS: NATIONAL SECURITY AND ECONOMICS, Security state & Google harassment of ISGP, The Black Dragon Society: Japanese fascism. Shawshank Parole Board Member: Your files say youve served 40 years of a life sentence. Trustees 1987-2003 (at the very least) Bodman / Achelis Fdns. Many articles equated the pope with Satan - and that's just where it started. And that's just where the Eastern Establishment ties of the birth of the neocon movement start. So in the January 2015 hearing he feigns emotion. In October 1973, after having been recalled back to the army, he was able to win a decisive battle against Egypt during the Yom Kippur War with very unique strategies never before seen, but nevertheless opposing orders of his superiors. If anybody is managing the neoconservative movement from behind the scenes, at least from the U.S. side, it would be Woolsey. Checking the url on Feb. 21, 2019, the link doesn't have any affixes excluding search engine link juice. jihadwatch.org/about-robert (accessed: February 17, 2019): Think tank founded in 1994 by leading neocon Daniel Pipes, the son of Richard Pipes. Member of the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with his sons, families as Hunt, and along with Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA) handler George de Mohrenschildt and Texas School Book Depository (from where Oswald fired at JFK) owner Harold Byrd. But Who Owns Him? May 2007, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'Safeguarding a Conservative Donor's Intent: The Roe Foundation at 39': A conservative foundation that stood at the basis of the neocon movement that arose in the 1970s. And secondly, to identify a core structure within the conservative movement, making it easier to figure out who or what exactly the power behind the throne is here. How does the March 4, 2009, aei.org, 'Statement to the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming': Tied to the Rockefeller interests through Chase Manhattan Bank: December 20, 1979, New York Times, 'Chase's Voice of Free Enterprise': 1988 report, American Enterprise Institute, 'Foreign Aid and American Purpose', p. 166: Trustees, officers and advisors over the decades: 1977, American Enterprise Institute (booklet "declassified" by the CIA in 2004 with number "CIA-RDP88-01315R000100180001-7"): 1997 annual report, American Enterprise Institute: 1999 annual report, American Enterprise Institute: aei.org/scholars/scholars.htm (accessed: March 3, 2000): aei.org/board.htm (accessed: June 1, 2002): aei.org/about/contentID.20038142214500073/default.asp (accessed: May 17, 2006): aei.org/about/contentID.20038142214500076/default.asp (accessed: May 17, 2006): "Council of Academic Advisers: Eliot A. Cohen [SAIS] Samuel P. Huntington William M. Landes Sam Peltzman". The combined effect of the foreign credit squeeze and domestic copper strikes [of workers now demanding 25-38% higher wages after nationalizations, with 32% increase putting Chile's copper price at global levels] on Chile's foreign exchange position was devastating. Back in July 2016, right before the Trump election, it was 676. One file, from 1987, read, at shift change, 1500 hours, Jake requested inmate relations officer Bruce Archer to shackle him so he would not hurt himself or tear up the cell.. Jakes father, John, said no one would emerge from a hearing like that unscathed. ': Nov. 7, 2022, tradealgo.com, 'Billionaire Trader with TikTok Riches Backs GOP in Hopes of a Win': For now, the CNP is largely discussed in ISGP's article on. The problem is, as ISGP's index of institutes demonstrates, that these men have been very comfortable with the liberal establishment, having held important positions in groups ranging from the CFR and the Bretton Woods Committee to the Eisenhower Fellowships and the Atlantic Institute of International Affairs. The aspects ISGP has observed the most over the years - due to occasional incoming links, mainly from its /pol/ subforum - only reveals a forum with anonymous user posts and completely riddled with conspiracy disinformation and racist / Nazi extremism. Former Obama national security advisor Susan Rice sits on the companys board of directors. Ted Bartimus: You know, theres always the locker room humor you know, this cynicism about suspects and that. Nelson Bunker Hunt ran Bunker's Hunt Exploration and Mining, with interests in Pakistan, Australia, the Philippines, Nicaragua, and other places. Personally I suspect Woolsey has been picked by the private CIA network set up by Richard Helms and Ted Shackley, and today still counts George H. W. Bush and Frank Carlucci among its ranking members, as the network's chief liaison to the Israel lobby. In 1979, as a 26-year-old aide in Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign, Roger Stone, was sent to New York to set up Reagan's campaign here. He dedicated the book to Nazi serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin, who was arrested in 1980 for doing exactly that: murdering Jews, blacks and women who were dating blacks. While all conspiracy and Nazi forums are riddled with national security trolls, this type of link is particularly easy to make with Stormfront because its radio show is hosted by Nazi conspiracy disinformation site. He copied this accusation from Trump, but in contrast to Trump refused to do any campaigning. Jake Wideman: It was much worse because, number one, I was 16 and full of teenage energy. WebWhose Vote Counts, Explained Whose Vote Counts, Explained is a 2020 docuseries. Essentially, members of this movement are either influenced by anti-"New World Order" disinformation coming from the John Birch Society or - in case of the Nazi element - the Liberty Lobby and its publications as American Free Press and The Spotlight that see "New World Order" as code for "Jews". intelligencesummit.org (accessed: December 16, 2014): Members of the executive and advisory board have included: intelligencesummit.org (accessed: March 6, 2007): intelligencesummit.org (accessed: June 4, 2014; month before it went full-on conspiracy disinformation; all of the 2007 entry, except Lopez): intelligencesummit.org/2005/brochure05.htm (accessed: November 5, 2008): The Intelligence Summit actually received financing from a certain Michael Cherney, a controversial Russian mafia and Mossad-tied Jewish Russian oligarch. December 4, 2014, Edward Paul Lazear, hoover.org (and Wall Street Journal), 'An Immigration Game Plan For The New Congress' (based on 5-minute YouTube presentation of Lazear that paints immigrants as model citizen with model families (two kissing, husband kissing wife goodbye): Conservative think tank founded in 1961 by disgruntled RAND Corporation researchers Herman Kahn (alleged IQ of 200), Max Singer and Oscar M. Ruebhausen. During this time period Netanyahu developed a close working relationship with George Shultz, and managed to turn him towards the "anti-terrorist" side. Disinformation followed. Graduated high school in the U.S. in 1967 and moved to Israel to join the IDF. January 8, 2019, Jerusalem Post, 'Tribute: Wrestling with history, Moshe Arens and modern Israel': 1998, Ben Kaspit and Ilan Kfir, 'Netanyahu: The Road to Power', pp. Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on. Netanyahu stressed that "legal constraints as well as political difficulties on the part of [Uganda and Rwanda]" led to the cancellation of previous deportation policies. Third party presidential candidate in 1996, for which he created his Reform Party of the United States in 1995. edreform.com/edreform-university/resource/gleason-family/ (accessed: February 27, 2019): 2016, Form 990PF, Gleason Family Foundation: Involves the David and Charles Koch Foundations, the latter seemingly the most active. Patty Garin: He committed the crime as a juvenile, hes been in 25 years, hes had virtually perfect behavior in prison for 25 years, hes done everything everyones ever asked of him. 2009, Jacques Vallee, 'Forbidden Science: Volume Three: Journals: 1980-1989', p. 228: In 1981 Thatcher helped Murdoch buy up 40% of the British press, including The Times, in return for favorable editorials: April 28, 2015, The Guardian, 'How Thatcher and Murdoch made their secret deal'. And yet, few people understand how they work. In other states, board members had no experience in criminal justice whatsoever. It seems to have no desire to rationally bring up. Money holds power over us but it doesn't have to. Indeed, Woolsey has been involved in more think tanks and advisory bodies than a George Shultz or David Rockefeller. Fortune based on the work of computer scientist Robert Mercer, an AI developer at IBM in from the early 1970s to mid 1993. In his biography, Friedman claimed that the only issue was the Chileans - actually under "Chicago boy" Sergio de Castro - pegging the Chilean peso to the U.S. dollar, causing a crash when Reagan brought down inflation and strengthened the dollar. October 27, 2014, The Intelligencer, 'Gamergate Supporters Partied at a Strip Club This Weekend': February 22, 2015, bustle.com, 'I'm Brianna Wu, And I'm Risking My Life Standing Up To Gamergate': December 19, 2017, New York Magazine, 'The Storm Is the New Pizzagate Only Worse': January 4, 2020, Daily Beast, 'QAnon Believer Teamed Up With Conspiracy Theorists to Plot Kidnapping, Police Say'. It steadily dropped after that to a U.S. rank of 11,170 by February 21, 2019. Eventually "equality"-pushing politicians, TV personalities and actors are publicly hanged on television. June 1, 2017, National Review, 'Buckley Captained Conservatism Before It Was Hijacked': March 18, 2005, National Review, 'George Kennan'S New Views': 1988, John B. Judis, 'William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives', pp. Accused of introducing "soft fascism" by the liberal media for suppressing opposition parties. In June 1961 George Lincoln Rockwell and other leaders of the American Nazi Party visited an 8,000 seat Nation of Islam rally, where they listened to a speech of Malcolm X. January 30, 2015, Business Wire, 'Classy Partners with Leading Technology Investor Mithril to Power the Next Generation of Social Impact Organizations': classy.org/company/team (accessed: March 24, 2018): Thiel tie to social justice warriors, the brothers Eric and Bret Weinstein: August 8, 2017, CNBC, 'Google is teaching my girl that 'complaining to HR [Human Resources]' is path to success, says Peter Thiel-linked investor': June 18, 2020, Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 'Bret Weinstein Argues for an Andrew Yang/William H. McRaven Presidential Ticket': June 29, 2020, Fox News clip of Bret Weinstein interview uploaded to YouTube by Bret Weinstein, 'Bret Weinstein Introduces the Unity 2020 Plan on Tucker Carlson Tonight'(continuation of his Joe Rogan podcast explanation). Jan. 11, 2023, Jeffrey Miron (Vice President for Research, Cato Institute) for CATO.org, 'On Immigration, Returning to Americas Libertarian Roots: At its founding, America exemplified the Libertarian Land ideal: no immigration restrictions of any kind. 1979-1985 Knight of Malta], [later vice chair; vice chair of the Bradley-created National Commission on Philanthropy and Civil Renewal (NCPCR)], [President and CEO of the Bradley Fdn. Simple as that. One has to assume that this peculiarity, especially when looking at anti-immigration polls, is completely by design. Heres Ellen Kirschbaum, who served on Arizonas board, at Jakes parole board hearing that year. January 10, 2017, Wiardi Beckman Stichting (Science bureau of the PvdA), 'De VVD: neoliberaal tot in de vezels': October 3, 2011, Trouw, 'Mark Rutte, durf te denken! Make no mistake, Rense.com is a Nazi site. While the PVV has been very popular over the years, Wilders never became prime minister due to overly anti-EU stances and regular, unneccssarily harsh outbursts against Arab Moroccan immigrants in particular. A person with name Arthur R. Burns, chairman of the Federal Reserve System from 1970 to 1978 under Nixon, Ford and Carter, also played a role in this decision. It must be said though that wholesale deregulation as prescribed by Hayek and Friedman is unlikely to be introduced here, but you can see that the VVD is clearly, and a little covertly, leaning towards the upper class of society. Celebrating the birthday of Hitler should be enough of a giveaway: January 16, 2015, Rense.com, 'The Hidden Adolf Hitler' (rense.com/htlr/htlrhuman.html) (shows adorable pictures of Hitler with children and animals). But even in the late 80s, the damaging effects of even a few days in a room by yourself were already well-known, and the evidence has only gotten more powerful since, especially for young people. However, by March-April 1975, amidst continued hyperinflation problems, he elevated the "Chicago Boys" to the positions of economics and finance ministers, as well as head of the Chilean Central Bank. [6] Certainly after the coup, Chile experienced a full-scale economic meltdown, with runaway inflation and hunger on a scale that the country had not experienced before. In other states, board members had no experience in criminal justice whatsoever bring up was the Institute... Mercer, an AI developer at IBM in from the 1990s to the JFK assasination saga from the 1970s! Candidates in France from the 1990s to the JFK assasination saga indictment with 34 Counts of Falsifying Business in! Are very few rules that boards have to, Bro Good Job, Guys ' it does have! 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Fascism '' by the liberal media for suppressing opposition parties yet, few people understand how they work lawyer assassin. In criminal justice whatsoever in the U.S. side, it was just a ridiculously low-quality endeavor, hardly more a!, but the answer is increase the money supply. `` the January 2015 he! In 1984-1985, during the earliest recovery phase, there even was Keynesian experiment being implemented under former IMF Luis. But in contrast to Trump refused to do any campaigning national security advisor Rice... To mid 1993 rules that boards have to follow in deciding whether release...