why did my ex unfollow me months later

A breakup terminates all of it. If an ex hasnt detailed it out to you what you messed up on, dont ask. To recap, there are several reasons your ex unfollowed you on social media. WebJust ignore it for now he is probably still angry after the breakup and maybe not getting over you fast enough and any pic of you will hurt his feelings, so he unfollows. Does disappearing on your ex really work? As to unfollowing him it's what you think is best for you. If you reply right away, they might think you have nothing to do other than waiting around for them. My Ex-boyfriend Hugged Me Tightly: Here What It Means! For most, that is the most valuable aspect of a relationship. Because he blocked you after 6 months, which isn't normal. . They want you to go look at their profile after they refollowed you to see how good they are doing without you. Not because he wants to get back with you, but because he has grown numb towards you. It takes a lot to fully let go when you've been dumped. Theyve come to realize theyre lying to themselves, and this is what needs to be done for their own emotional and mental health. This is a subreddit for people who've been through a breakup. I blocked mine after six months. A relationship between two people, after a I see this happen a lot with guys in my email coaching program. Your social media platform is your environment. I recently started no contact with her, even though after she dumped me she wanted to still be friends and talked to me every day (situation was really weird). Even when it's personal, it's not--not really. (Maybe) Breakup with three month boyfriend need ASAP help. In a long-term relationship, neither of you could have been faking your emotions. That's a hard notion to grasp and I do struggle with it at times. Fast forward a month or so, I texted her to check in say hey how are you and be a nice person cause just cause we broke up doesnt mean I hate her, disrespect her, or talk shit about her. Sometimes, blocking an ex can be tricky, other times, its simple. Heidi on Letter for you. If we are showing non-needy behaviour, we are therefore prioritising ourselves, as non-needy behaviour stems from our own self investment. He most likely still loves you and seeing you pop up in his media probably causes him a bit of heartache. If you were hoping will come back to you, you might be waiting for Godot; someone who will never arrive. Even though things ultimately didn't work out with my new girlfriend in the very end, my ex at the time decided to finally reach out to me a few months later, but so much time had gone bye that I no longer had any feelings for her in any way, and even though I'm single now, still don't. I unfriended him first after sending him the message I wont contact you via Facebook anymore (He seemed uncomfortable receiving my calls). if your ex is still following you on Instagram. What Should I do? Realistically, you two are not friends. (11 Possible Meanings), Things to Say to Your Ex When He Says He Misses You (31 Perfect Responses), 31 Unique Things To Say To Your Ex To Start A Conversation (What To Say Without Being Awkward), 13 Ways To Get Your Ex Back When He Has A Girlfriend (How To Win Him Over). Second chances are not as bad as they sound. If you still want to follow them back, observe them first. If you wait that long to block someone there's usually another partner involved in the picture and the person has really thought long and hard before actually blocking you. Maybe they really have moved on and feel ready to rip the bandage off. Now, there are a number of reasons an ex might choose to unfollow you. You dont want to repeat the same mistake over and over. If we are showing non-needy behaviour, we are therefore prioritising ourselves, as non-needy behaviour stems from our own self investment. There's one more possibility. Don't go on in your life distributing free passes or second chances to people who don't deserve them. He still wants you. Now he has bitten the bullet and given you exactly what you wanted You now need to come to terms with the fact that you will never hear from of see him again. If they have started following you right after you started dating a new person, be sure about the fact that your ex learned about your date from someone else. How is your new dating life working out? Your ex followed you on Instagram just because they want to stay in your life as a friend. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. 5. But that doesnt stop them from feeling the pain of losing you. Already Has A New Lover; 1.4 4. 5 years ago. The main fiasco will start after that. "Perhaps they truly are over the romantic aspects of your relationship, but they cherish your friendship and want to continue to include you in their life," Brown explains. #2 is also possible, but I really feel bad for that guy if he's got a GF who demands/expects zero interaction with an ex. My ex unfollowed me on social mediamainly Instagram. Scarcity and distance makes the heart grow fonder. Contacting your ex, especially after a nasty breakup, is the last thing you want to do. [ANSWERED]. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't be afraid to hit that "block" button. If your sanity is being threatened by constant contact with your ex, its okay to restrict yourself and him from viewing each others accounts. Its all about how much reactivity he can command because reactivity = control. Just dont watch their stories. She's quite grounded. Web2 2.Why Did My Ex Unfollow Me On Social Media? Help!!! He did that to get your attention, to send you a subliminal message that if you don't do something, he's gone. They are: He is still hurting and processing the breakup He is trying to get a reaction out of you He was forced to do so by his new girlfriend Reasons #1 and #2 show that you still affect him, and this is precisely what you would hope for. This is totally normal and people regularly have struggles with their mental health when they're placed in a stressful situation. Already Has A New Lover. While some people like to estrange their ex, your ex isn't one of them. My ex and I broke up less than 2 months ago because of my exs parents opposition (They wanted him to focus on his career, not on dating). But if your ex is still following you, try not to spiral it might not mean anything. If his intention for initially blocking you wasnt valid, he might think blocking you was ridiculous. reaches He doesnt need a reminder of the time you shared. He may have a new girlfriend and decided it is not appropriate to have you on his account any longer or he wants to cut all ties 100% and move on. You are not giving your ex any importance by doing so; rather, you're giving a clear signal that their presence doesn't make any difference to your life. My Ex Wished Me Happy Birthday During No Contact [Read This Before Responding]. "It could also mean that they are not over you, and may be still clinging to the hope that the two of you will get back together." I just thought we were on somewhat of good terms, just makes me feel like I am a bad person. maybe he is moving on just dont want see it anymore? Always remember, you guys broke up for a reason. She did not immediately unfollow you right after the breakup because she just couldn't, and that's perfectly normal. I like Gretzky's explanation #1 - this guy has decided that he had to take extra steps to get over you, and that meant no more Instagram posts/cut all ties to you. My prior ex before my recent one, we were broken up for a good 8 months. WebYour ex started following you on Instagram probably because they still have feelings for you. She's quite grounded. He offers to pick me up from the airport a month after breakup??!!!! Well then she brings back a photo of us on her instagram, a photo of me dressed up and her dressed up which was from the previous Valentines day we spent together. A relationship between two people, after a Sorry to be blunt but when you broke up with the guy, you effectively signaled that you no longer cared if he was a part of your life. that's what a breakup is. It's Been Over A Month And I Still Haven't Heard From Him. Following back will send a lot of mixed signals to the person you have broken up with. Your ex follows you on Instagram now just because they want to arrest your attention. The person clings to it for one glimpse into the life of the person they were once in love with. I don't know if this is strange, but we both mutually decided to go NC after our breakup. Although you haven't uploaded any pictures he may fear that if you do, he would get upset or hurt by them. However, in a few cases, the dumper realizes their mistake but never attempts to return. For example, if your ex discovers that you deleted all the pictures and videos of both of you from your Instagram feed, he might think blocking you is the saner option. 1.1 1. All these months have been particularly difficult for them. We provide resources that help you in your relationship, marriage, and dating life. Three months has passed and she may be feeling a bit better now, enough to unfollow you. My Ex-Boyfriend Hates Me Because I Broke Up With Him, What Should I Do. quotes stop leading unfollow did why quotesgram If someone cares, distance is no obstacle. They respect your decision to break up, as the reason was good enough. Some dumpers may take even six months to realize their mistake. 5 years ago. Is it difficult? Relationship expert Susan Winter maintains that deleting your ex on Facebook could appear childish, and that it's best to unfollow. I knew she was still single, and I didn't want her to think I was showing off my new girl, so out of sheer respect and kindness, I decided to block her. By unfollowing an ex on social media, you are likely to move on from the relationship sooner. From the dumpee's position, sometimes it's too hard to cut off contact, because the mind keeps wondering "what if the dumper contacts me". Three months has passed and she may be feeling a bit better now, enough to unfollow you. I thought usually when someone decides to block you, it's soon after the breakup. They have started following you on Instagram to get a perspective of your life after the breakup. [ANSWERED]. This doesn't make much sense because 6 months has gone bye, so my question is, why all of the sudden did he decide to block me now, 6 months later?? All Rights Reserved. Your ex followed you on Instagram because they wanted to stalk you. He's probably just trying to move on.. seeing your ex on social media pulls you back sometimes. Following them back totally depends upon you and the circumstances. If we are showing non-needy behaviour, we are therefore prioritising ourselves, as non-needy behaviour stems from our own self investment. Ex Came Back After Months Of No Contact (Why & What to Do). Following someone on Instagram is the easiest and the most superficial way to keep track of their life. They followed you to measure how happy or sad you are without them. 252 Sponsored by Trust Inform Its the greatest gift he could have given your relationship. Also, before following that person, you should think about the reasons why they followed you, and you will have to plan your next steps accordingly. Of course, there is a reason why you two broke up, but the hollow feeling of missing you has surpassed that reason. If you have a public profile, they have already observed how happy you are without them in your life. They want to move on from the past. #3. twicethedaze. You have spent a lot of time and energy to get over them, and just when you are getting back to a normal, happy life, this re-entry will be particularly difficult for you to handle. Your ex's anger on the spur of the moment can make him hit the restrict button. That is when I started to heal. someecards joyous madhu aunty I ended up leaving because of everything he could lose w them makes my mind off the furniture and hurt feelings. I just unfollowed my ex and he unfollowed me back. I still do think of him and miss him and I think if it were not for the distance, I would think about giving it another chance, but unfortunately, that's not going to change since I still have 2.5 more years of school. duckworth Fifty years ago, they followed you through the street to your home; now, they follow you around on social media. I completely understand how your feeling when my boyfriend split with me I was debistated but we stayed connected on social media. Instagram is a relatively happy place for many. If you wait that long to block someone there's usually another partner involved in the picture and the person has really thought long and hard before actually blocking you. Are any of the road so he had any friends in the guest room, but she needed to vent on instagram and says yeah so I guess I Now, almost a year later, I'm relieved I did. Good memories can often cause more pain. Assumes That It's Better To Be Friends In The Real World; 2 More Tips To When Cortez landed he burned his ships so that the concept of retreating wasn't a possibility and his men would be more motivated to successfully complete their mission. He Wants To Forget You; 1.3 3. Thats when people start following each other on social media. We go to different schools, but live in the same hometown. They wanted to acknowledge it. Lets find out more about them. That ghost of a relationship haunts one; it makes you look for that familiar face everywhere, even if you hate it. They probably know that you are trying to move on or have already moved on. WebYour ex has unfollowed you months after the breakup because they are worried about being judged by others for still following someone they have broken up with. I Am Not Being Able to Move On After Breaking Up with My Girlfriend. That hurt a lot, eventually I got over this as I thought it was her way of coping with the break up. You are an Instagram-veteran, and therefore, you know that if you watch their story, it will show them your name. Assumes That It's Better To Be Friends In The Real World; 2 More Tips To Theyve come to realize theyre lying to themselves, and this is what needs to be done for their own emotional and mental health. This is totally normal and people regularly have struggles with their mental health when they're placed in a stressful situation. You can try to understand what he's thinking and his motives but in the end it doesn't matter. The tipping point was the seafood buffet. Heidi on Letter for you. They want to move on from the past. My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. He just wants a fresh slate. Basically, the more distance and space you give someone, the more it shows pure non-needy behaviour. Even if you initiated the breakup, it will take a while to go back to being the same person you were before you started dating him. However, despite the emotional impact, he knows the sane thing is to distance himself from you, even on social media. I'm Michelle Devani and would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my site. However, there can be a few other reasons too. If they have a public profile, you can keep track of the person without their knowledge. This confusion brought you here, and I will attempt to solve it. (Facebook, Twitter 3 3.My Ex Unfollowed Me A Month After A Breakup Relationship Talk; 4 4.Why Did He Unfollow Me On Instagram And Social Media AskApril; 5 5.When Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media Natasha Adamo; 6 6.Why It Took Me 7 Months to Unfollow My Ex on My ex and I broke up less than 2 months ago because of my exs parents opposition (They wanted him to focus on his career, not on dating). seq storing Well, I deleted her picture off my Instagram, and it caused some confusion to her too. Do you feel like he kind of takes you for granted? The no contact rule will be hard because he wants to send you a message or call you so badly. He thinks its the logical next step. I do post frequently on my instagram story and instagram along with here and there on facebook. Friendship is never guaranteed after a breakup. Should I unfollow back? If you were very good to your ex, he will miss you even more. then Already Has A New Lover. When they show up at your gateway, dont let them in at once. If he knows you well enough to suspect your recent social life upgrade is a deliberate attempt to make him jealous, hell block you. If your recent updates include date nights with new guys, your ex might think youve moved on. The past can be hard to leave behind. He is just getting on with things. They may have done this unconsciously, given that social media is an inherently public space where people are constantly being evaluated and judged by their peers. There are no right or wrong answers here. 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