In House of the Rising Son, Hayley is first seen heading down the stairs of their home with a fire poker in her hand, after hearing a woman enter. She asks where Marcel is and Hayley tells her that he heard Davina was back in town and that he's being overprotective because of Kol. She lunges at Eva to get away from Hope and before she can check on her, Eva telekinetically throws her back into the bedroom. Hayley then reveals to Klaus that the reason he has been unable to find Katherine all these centuries has been her ability to build and maintain a network of allies willing to do anything for her. Elijah is hurt and blames her for not only violating his privacy but also for breaking his promise for him. Hayley, Kol, and Freya go to St. Louis Cathedral. In The Tale of Two Wolves, she sees that Hope has appeared in the afterlife and tells her it's not her time yet. Hayley phones to Klaus after the Bayou attack. Hayley sighs in relief that Freya is okay. She asks him where she can find Marcel and if he doesn't tell her he'll die. She is last seen with Elijah grieving in public to keep up the ruse. Jackson and Hayley get married in the compound and Jackson moves in with Hayley to live there with her and his new stepdaughter. When Jackson arrives at the compound, furious about Aiden's death, which Dahlia made it look like as if Klaus did it. Hayley and Freya go to some building. At this time Dwayne comes backs and order to Tyler to get away from Hayley and the baby. In Voodoo in My Blood, Hayley and Klaus talk with Hope. Afterwards, while Hayley is dressing, Klaus notices a mark on Hayley's back which, according to him, is only found on those of a certain bloodline of werewolves originating in Louisiana. She goes through the files Kieran has on werewolf rituals and ceremonies, and concludes it sounds more like folklore and fables. Hayley goes to the compound and tells Klaus they need to talk. country concerts 2022 upstate new york; gdol account number w2; are jim costa and robert costa brothers After taking revenge for her daughter, she desperately trying to find a way to bring Hope back by regaining her family power over the werewolves. When the violinist starts playing a slower tune, Hayley grows concerned and a flower salesman offers some red and black flowers to her, which are revealed to be dahlias. Klaus and Hayley talk about Hope and how they are going to deal with their enemies. With help from Eve and the crescent werewolves in their wolf forms, she threatens the witch into giving her the cure for the curse she placed on the pack. She almost makes it back to Hope, but Elijah finds her and ambushes her, fighting for her life again. She wants Elijah to promise her that Klaus is not the only thing she knows and that she needs him to be there for Hope. Jackson thinks that she deserves to know and he tells her that they have made an alliance with Klaus. She then goes to the shed where Keelin is and lets her take a break from giving venom. Hayley tries to take the heat for Elena's escape. Hayley is in her room packing and Elijah goes in the room to talk to her. She then tells Klaus that Hope wants to see him. When she is seen at the end of the episode she is looking for Elijah in the crowd, but Elijah doesn't show himself to him, because Rebekah blamed him for his feelings for Hayley. In The Devil is Damned, she is wondering why people keep broomsticks on the porch and Jackson tells her if the couples are engaged can't wait for a preacher, then it served as something to keep the urges down, which he's referring to sleeping together. He is hurting her while she screams. That she should have wanted to be with him and not Elijah. Later, she is sitting in her bedroom in front of a fire and Elijah comes in, holding out the list, which is shown to have all names crossed off. WebThe way she lived her life earned her the option of finding peace when she died. After Cami gets Finn outside, Hayley attacks as an unknown person and bites her, and glows her eyes at Finn. Hayley eventually comes across the red door again, and though reluctant, she goes inside. WebHaley was 25 years old when she had her twin children George and Poppy. The lead vampire tells her she might be strong but she is outnumbered. Jackson thinks it is a bad idea getting in the way of a Mikaelson battle. The two girls start to fight and fall off the balcony. After hearing all of this information. Mary shows her what a voodoo queen showed her and that the herb is used when magic is afoot. Hayley then gets an idea that since Dahlia could only sense her when she's using magic, but the idea is very dangerous. Marcel knew that Hayley was coming and tells her they need to chat. Jackson was Hayley's husband. Hayley gives up on trying to talk to Hope and leaves. Hayley disagrees at first since some secrets shouldn't be said, but Jackson reassures her and she agrees. Hayley is very happy that Hope is there with her and says after the wedding, she's not letting her out of her sight. When he asked a witch, Brynne Deveraux, possessed by Cleste Dubois to curse the Crescent Clan to stop them he spared Andrea to give her a better start in life. The next morning, Klaus wanders into Hayley's room whilst she is supposedly sleeping; he reaches into her back and sniffs the vial of wolfsbane. Mary tells her to be safe. She tells Elijah she did terrible things to find her family and when she finally did, they were already dead. She uses a sleeping powder to knock out the Hollow. Jackson complies and tells her that he will meet her back home. Hope agrees and Hayley pokes her finger with a needle. Elijah then lets Oliver go. She knew the consequences and still decided to do something so stupid and caused her own mother to die. She continues to walk and chooses a random door. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals, she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants (including betraying those she claims to care about); even at the expense of others' lives. When he tries to tell Hayley that the Strix will consider this an act of war, she gets more furious and tells him that she wants to do right by Jackson, and then storms off. In order to save the pack, Haley makes the decision to get engaged to Jackson, despite her feelings for Elijah. She warns Tyler that he should leave town to escape Klaus' wrath. He tries to reason with her by telling her he is on her side. She meets with Klaus and Hope in the courtyard of the Abattoir. After Freya gets back from being in Elijah's mind. When Dahlia tells her that they should be saying their last goodbyes and Hayley rocks and kisses Hope to calm her down, while still glaring at Dahlia until she leaves. However, when Klaus is forced to return to New Orleans when Hayley is kidnapped by Purist vampires, they share a brief reunion before Hayley sacrifices her life to save Hope's life. One of their reasons to kill off Hayley was to have the opportunity to show how the other characters will react to her death, and how it As Hayley comes out of the spell, she starts punching the floor and finds the key her father dropped. When the lights are turned on again Hayley panics and calls for Elijah. She tells them about the unification ceremony and if she and Jackson get married, they all would inherit her abilities and not have to use the rings anymore. Freya tells her it will considering she can feel the mystical energy. But, she doesn't want them to risk themselves any more than they already have and says she's grateful what they have offered, but she can't be their queen. She smiles. However, Mary tells her that this isn't her fight. After they leave the abandoned home they drive to a storage unit. As Hope wakes up, Hayley calms her down and tells her everything is okay. Elijah says that an alliance with Klaus will guarantee anything but that. 3 references of social media; redemption day karaoke; fallen hero names But Elijah comes and rescues her and Jackson as he leaves her to find Rebekah. Hayley takes off Hope's magical bracelet. Hayley demands to know of Elijah's spirit made it to her talisman. She tells them that if Elijah is going to die she can place his soul in her talisman. Later on, Elijah finds Klaus and learns about the baby and Klaus still isn't agreeing to cooperate. Klaus and Hayley go to St. Anne's church. In Phantomesque, Hayley, Freya and Klaus talk about resurrecting Elijah by healing and placing his soul back into his body. Hayley is angry at Elijah that he defended Klaus, but he tells her he was defending Hope. She tells him about Hope and that they can reschedule their date. Hayley tells her that despite being concerned where Elijah is, he can take care of himself. She states that she doesn't feel any better. Then Rebekah leaves New Orleans. This angers Hayley. Hayley then confronts Klaus about him ordering the killing of her family. She is tall with an athletic but slim figure. She tells them they will listen to what she has to say because she is the only one standing between them and the Hollow. They believe that with her and Jackson's betrothal, the pack will be able to gain all of Hayley's hybrid abilities. As three witches try to hold her she howls and Klaus hears her. Freya says that they can use a knife with Hope's blood to stop the Hollow. In both situations, Hayley was unapologetic and blunt but well-meaning, earning her the friendship of both women. He tells her he got the gene from his dad and asks her about her parents. Tyler finds Hayley, Chris and some other hybrids drinking in honor of Dean. While the audience is informed that the baby will kill the witches in the future which puts a plan in motion to make that never happens. Hayley gets in the truck and leaves. He then grabs her and she fights back, realizing that The Hollow is controlling her dream, she rips out Jackson's heart killing him, she finally wakes up still bound to a chair. Hayley's pinned to a wall by Greta and, in a rush of adrenaline, Hayley wrenches free and leaps for Greta, tearing off her finger which holds the daylight ring. Klaus appears and saves her, in the process biting and poisoning the vampire with his werewolf venom. Davina tells the story of the Hollow and how she can't be killed, frightening both Klaus and Hayley. She tells Elijah not to say anything and that she knows she's felt everything for him, but she believes Jackson can make her happy and that she just wants to be happy. A Hollow follower surprises her and snaps her neck; killing her temporarily. He then leaves her to deal with her pack. However, it is not long until Rebekah starts to go crazy and tells Hayley that while she is with that fake husband of hers, she still loves Elijah. He tells her it has to be a real marriage since the vows have to be honored and asks her if she's ready to have it for the rest of their lives. Sometime later she talks with Klaus. Tyler and Hayley seem to have met in the Appalachian Mountains when Tyler was trying to break his sire bond to Klaus. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. Jackson tells Hayley she fell in love with a monster, he continues to berate her over her relationship with Elijah. Hayley is seated on a bench, dropping a few drops of wolfsbane into her tea and she encourages herself to drink it, "One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history". In Behind the Black Horizon, she approaches Klaus and shows him a list of 10 addresses for Kingmaker. Hayley gets trapped in the compound after a meeting between the vampires and werewolves goes horribly wrong when Finn turns up. Hayley attempted to run away with Hope due to the increasing danger brought on by Dahlia and Klaus' family. Which surprises and shocks both Klaus and Hayley. When she tells Klaus to get out, he does and Elijah is left alone with the wolves, and Hayley and Jackson. Hayley goes to Jackson and he asks why Klaus didn't kill him when he had the chance. She then wonders why Lucien needs to test out a cure if there's one that already works. She notices Klaus' expression on his face and asks him what's wrong. He tells her that if she had known her parents, she would know just how much enemies they really had. Hayley wakes up at Vincent's home with Vincent near her. Later on Elijah throws a party and invites the werewolves to be a part of the peace treaty. Haley had her first kiss when she was eleven. Hayley, Elijah, and Marcel arrive at St. Anne's church. She then receives a call about Hope and then goes to leave to bring her back to New Orleans. After he leaves, Hayley picks up the journal and starts reading it. Hayley had been on her own since then, occasionally joining up with wolf packs but never staying anywhere for too long. Hayley and Elijah are still in love in with each other more than ever now since the death of Hayley's husband Jackson. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Hayley calls Elijah that the Crescent wolves found Aurora's trailer. When Elijah begins to leave, she tries to stop him and asks if he's seriously going to Lucien alone, who can end him with his bite, she then tells him to be careful. She calms him down. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, a month has passed and the werewolf curse is broken thanks to Hayley. She was also the wife of Jackson Kenner and was the alpha of the Crescent Wolf Pack. In Brotherhood of the Damned, she is at the bayou with Aiden and Jackson. After Chris' death, Hayley is passed out the next morning next to Tyler on a sofa; they had clearly spent the entire night drinking in honor of Chris. Hayley and Klaus fight, after which Hayley takes her daughter and moves over the road into an apartment with Hope and Jackson to begin a new life. She says she's still a Crescent and is the last of the Labonair line, which makes her an alpha. Hayley tells Klaus they need to start taking some family pictures. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Hayley stands over Elijah's dead body in a casket. When Hayley is at Josephine's mansion with Gia and Elijah, she is uncomfortable and keeps clearing her throat, to which Gia goes to see if she can find Josephine. Aiden tries to argue, but Jackson tells him to set up a meeting for the whole pack. She also tells him that she appreciates him helping her and that if there's any chance of making Finn an ally, he needs to go. Her wolf form is grey and brown and has yellow/gold glowing eyes. Together, they see a glimpse of Elijah and the red door. And she, as Andrea Labonair, is living proof of that. Their parents knew each other while growing up. Female She then hears a creaking noise and grabs Freya's talisman, she takes the talisman and walks away, to talk with Freya and Klaus. She is the first female character to get married on-screen. Hayley manages to escape and kill witches who want to kill her and her baby. fetch rewards interview process; david hutchinson obituary Hayley and Klaus don't like the plan. Hayley threatens her and walks right through her spirit. He explains to her that a shaman would marry the alphas of each pack and that each special ability would be inherited mystically by everyone who participated. She then learned that she will have a daughter which enjoyed her and she softly prepared herself to become a mother. They hug and Hayley holds her tight. Tyler later explains that he and Hayley plan to help all of Klaus' hybrids break the sire bond. Appearance Hayley and Marcel meet up with Elijah, Klaus, and Vincent, Hayley teams up with Elijah and Vincent, she talks with Elijah and tells him about Lara and a blue light that has to do with the Hollow. Hayley is with Freya she is still shocked over what happened. Rebekah warns her she should've left the moment Elijah disappeared and Hayley responds that she can't as she isn't able to leave New Orleans due to the spell binding her to Sophie. Both are called by another name that their birth one; Hayley being born as Andra Labonair and Katherine as Katerina Petrova. She asks him if he really plans to go behind Elijah's back. She then turns around to see Elijah standing behind her. In this flashback, she allows Klaus to feel the baby kick. In The Casket Girls, Hayley tries on a dress and Elijah helps zip it up. Hayley tells Stefan its time and Stefan rips the healing paste to draw Rayna Cruz to them. leaving Josh and Kol behind. Reunited in Wheel Inside the Wheel, Hayley is frustrated at Jackson for not doing his job as the alpha wolf but eventually gets over it when she needs his help to help save the pack from Esther's control. They arrive a clearing in the woods and there are several personal items everywhere. In order to keep a promise to herself and to her baby, she decided to give Hope temporarily to her Aunt Rebekah, to keep her safe. Hayley opens Freya's coffin and tells her Freya and her family are dying. In Bloodletting, it's revealed that it is Tyler who kidnapped Hayley because one of his witch acquaintance's nightmare about the baby and because he wants revenge. Rebekah is about to tear out Hayley's heart, but Klaus stops her. She begs him to fight back but he allows her to beat him bloody until she realizes her baby is behind her. He says that he wanted to be the one to tell her, but didn't know if he could. When Hope starts crying, Hayley tells him she needs to stop and feed her, and he tells her to get some guys and go to a hideout. Unfortunately, Hayley's relationship with Klaus takes a turn for the worse when Hayley tried to take Hope away from Klaus, as punishment for trying to take Hope away from him, Klaus had Dahlia place the Crescent Curse on Hayley and her pack. Born Carole Penny Marshall, the actress and director died at 75 while at her home in the Hollywood Hills on December 17. In current time Hayley is in labor and the witches are preparing to deliver the baby. In High Water and a Devil's Daughter, Hayley sees a photo album, specifically a photo of her parents when her mother was pregnant with her. Hayley meets Davina and Josh for the first time and she suggests that they work together. They walk through the door and when the receptionist calls some guards, she and Klaus fight them off. WebHayley Marshall-Kenner's Funeral was held for Hayley Marshall-Kenner in God's Gonna Trouble the Water after she died to kill Greta Sienna in What, Will, I, Have, Left. Klaus finds her at the feast and tells her that it's very bold of her to come to the feast on her own and he's impressed that she managed to find out what his deal with the werewolves is. As Hayley leaves, Katie calls one of Marcel's vampires and tells them there is a werewolf in the quarter. The Hollow throws Hayley through a glass door, but Freya comes in to save Hayley. She meets up with Freya, Vincent and Josh to talk about the Mardi Gras festivities. Once Klaus is gone, Hayley, Tyler and Caroline smile at one another, and Caroline thanks Hayley for telling her that Klaus was there. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Hayley attends a banquet with Klaus, Marcel and other vampires, at which Klaus orders the vampires to kill the werewolves in the bayou, her family, much to her protest. When the vampires come for Henry in retribution for Poppy's death, she tells them that they'll be throwing away seven years of peace. Hope comes and saves her dad, shocking both Elijah and Hayley. Hayley tells him she should have never brought Hope back to New Orleans; she leaves the Abattoir. She asks him why he is throwing a fake party in honor of Marcel. As Hayley and Freya talk. In No Quarter, Hayley, along with the Mikaelson Family, are outside New Orleans. Hayley's physical strength was seemingly unusually strong even for a non-original werewolf-vampire hybrid. Klaus suggests that they fake the baby's death in order to keep the baby safe. 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